On Thanksgiving 2009, it seems fitting to list just a few reasons (of many) that I am thankful to belong within the AEC (architecture, engineering, construction) industry….
Not in any particular order, I’m thankful to work in the AEC profession because I’m:
–Working with smart, well-educated professionals that WILL survive this economy in one of three ways: 1. on-top—better-than-ever; 2. unscathed; or 3. impacted-at-first-but-then-shifted-focus-to-new-opportunities.
–Surrounded by individuals that are dedicated to bettering society through the built environment—including making a major impact on the sustainability of our world’s future.
–Involved in a profession that balances creativity with practicality.
–Keeping company with business colleagues that are multi-faceted in their own personal ways—pursuing creative outlets such as travel; fine art; music; photography. If nothing else, people in our field are downright interesting!
–Admiring that our profession inspires interest and intrigue from so many people of varied backgrounds–especially those with an ‘inner architect or engineer within’.
In the beginning of our careers, none of us entered this industry with money as a top motivator. (Though don’t get me wrong, making money is perfectly just, as we should all behave like viable, savvy business people.) We studied, prepared, and dove into this industry for a myriad of other motivating reasons. Perhaps that is why I’m so thrilled to have been in AEC for the past 20 years: our hearts are in the right place!
Happy Thanksgiving……